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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Role of Family: Presentation script

Hi! I’m Eoth. I am the first child in my family
I have a sister and a brother
Both my parents are teachers
I am the 2nd grade student of Eng dept.
Anyway, do you kiss your mother’s hand before you leave?
Do you say good bye to your father before going school?
Do you live apart from your parents?
If yes, do you miss them?
Well, I conclude that everybody here has family.
Is it right?
Who is your family?
(smiling)I have told you about my family: me myself, sister and brother, father and mother.
On the other hand, I would like to tell you that you all are also my family. Family doesn’t only mean blood relation, but for me, family can be also friends that I love so much.
Well actually I am going to tell you about the roles of family members. Why? I try to remind you about the love and care within family.
It will be divided into three main points : the meaning of family, the basic roles of family, and also the role of every member. You may ask question in the end of the session.
The 1st point will be ‘meaning’..
What family means?
It means home or shelter: the place we get piece/serenity. It is also the place where you are looking for protection
It’s also love: family is full of love, here’s the place when you can express all your love.
Family also means share: share love, experience, etc.
That what family means for me. Move on to the 2nd points: basic roles
There are 8 basic roles of family: physical care, human resources care, job division, socialization, member quantity systemization, orderliness maintenance, occupying member, and motivate members.
Each member contributes in making these 8 roles. Let’s see the role of each member in the family:
Father: earn money, educator, protector, leader, and social environment member.
Mother: household maintenance, guardian, educator, or in some case she can earn money too.
Son/daughter: to execute psychotically as the level of their physical, mental, social, and spiritual development.
In conclusion, it is important to us to know each role of family member and the role of family itself because we are a part of family: son or daughter, and someday everyone here will be a mother or a father.
Whatever the condition, whoever your family members are, and whatever they like, I’m sure in the bottom of your heart, you love them, don’t you?
Just be a good son, a good daughter, so that you can be a good mother and a good father!
That’s all. Thank you!

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