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Friday, February 4, 2011

How To Get an A

It's easy to get an A from every subject we've got at class as long as we know and know how to use the keys. here are the keys:
1. always submit the appropriate and right assignment appropriately (appropriate content, time, and place)
2. always attend the class
3. always pay attention to the teacher's saying
4. make jokes at class
5. keep good relationship with class mates
6. having such a night-hangout with friends
7. do karaoke
8. have good sleep
9. take a bath regularly
10. have good meals regularly
11. do exercises regularly
12. be open and communicative to lecturers
13. be happy at class
14. don't sleep during the class
15. be friendly and give smile to friends and lecturers.

these keys are helpful in getting A marks.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Informal Written Connected Speech

gotta = got to : I've gotta go now.
wanna = want to : I don't wanna go now.
gonna = going to : I'm gonna go somewhere I can feel happy.
hafta = have to : I hafta  accompany a friend of mine to the party.
hasta = has to : she hasta come to the party.
'cuz = because : 'Cuz I'm happy just to dance with you.
getcha = get you : I'm gonna getcha.
meetcha = meet you : I'm gonna meetcha.
'em = them; 'bout = about  : you gotta teach 'em 'bout freedom.

even the real student can fall

there are too many barriers during the college period..

you may agree or not..
this is one effective thing to make me down...
even the real student can fall...

moreover, if we can see him/her around
every single day
every session in a school day
more and more...

I wonder how to know something without learning how to...
I wonder how to know things without asking what, why, where, when, why and how...

it's just when love has successfully break my mind down
even the real student can fall...

Monday, January 10, 2011

less educated || less funded

every year of my school years is not complete with a raise of school fees.

today, there is a BOS (bantuan operasional sekolah) programe.
yet, it only admits the primary and secondary students.

for me as a college student, school fee is not something to be granted.

it is such a long and costive way to graduate.


hope to graduate
do the assignments though they sucks

hear what the lecturers said
do I listen?

waking up every morning
try hard not to yawn
attend or skip
it is all about the attendance

bad marks
good marks
do I care?

run away and hide?
back forward, please

how many years did I spend to reach it?

run away and hide?
back forward, please

how painful did my parents feel to get me through of all those years?



last day of april

when everything which has gone wrong tired to mess with life..
not much to say when the sun hide and the moon show its light..
inhale the trauma in the air that will contaminate my blood..
try hard to run away than keep drinking desirible poison to death..
can see nothing when I can't find the light in me..

(pardon me if there were grammatical mistakes because it was made on 2007. the year when I have not studying in this Department)


about my final project

The Meaning of English Printed Words on Distro T-Shirts
            Fashion is one of the products of culture in its existence through ages. Fashion is dynamic as we can see its fast trends changing. In connection to my study of language, I would like to make a final project related to the use of language in fashion product. As language and fashion are simultaneously grown in society all over the world, the blending phenomena of these things is happening in this country.
            I think that this topic would be interesting to discuss because it is related to human’s social and personal sides. Just like languages, it is closely related one another; socially and personally. Moreover, I would like to discuss the close relation between language and fashion product. The English printed T-shirt draws my attention as it become a soundless yet well understood-communication way.
