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Thursday, January 6, 2011


What is an abstract? It is a concise and powerful information or description about a work (scientific work, report, etc). An abstract should contain:
1.       Scope of your work
2.       Purpose of your work
3.       Results of your work
4.       Content of your work
5.       Key words of your work
Generally, there are two kinds of abstracts. They are descriptive and informative abstract. What are the differences? Here we discuss!
1.       Descriptive abstract
It resambles as an outline of the work. It indicates the type of information found in the work. It commonly includes only the scope, purpose, and methods of the research. It is usually 100 words or less in length.

2.       Informative abstract
The informative abstract includes not only the purpose, methods, and scope, but also the main arguments and important result of the research. This type is the major used abstract. The length is commonly about 10% of the length of the whole work.

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